Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Teamwork Icebreaker Games and Excercises

Teamwork Icebreaker Games and Excercises Icebreakers are exercises that are designed to facilitate interactions. They are often used at meetings, workshops, classrooms, or other group functions to introduce people who dont know each other, spark conversations among people who dont typically converse or help people learn  how to work together. Icebreakers are usually formatted as a game or exercise so that everyone can relax and fun. Some icebreakers also have a competitive element.   Why Icebreakers Help With Team Building Icebreakers games and exercises can help with team building when they require everyone in the group to work together to accomplish a specific task or goal. For example, the group may have to work together to conceptualize and implement a strategy to achieve the task. This sort of teamwork can improve communication among group members and may even help to energize and motivate a team.   Every Team Needs a Leader Icebreakers can also break down barriers among participants who are at different places in the chain of command in an organization - such as a supervisor and the people they supervise. People who normally dont take the lead on a team may have an opportunity to do so during an icebreaker game. This is empowering for many people and may help to identify people in the group with leadership capability and potential.   Teamwork Icebreaker Games The  icebreaker games shown below can be used for both large and small groups. If you have a relatively large group, you may want to consider splitting the attendants into several smaller groups. Although each game is different, they all have a common goal: get the group to complete a task within a specific amount of time. If you have more than one group, you can add a competition element to the game by seeing which team can complete an assigned task the fastest. Sample tasks to try: Build a house of cards using 10 cards.Form a line according to height (tallest to shortest or shortest to tallest).Think up and write down 20 words that start with the letter T.Create and write down 5 questions that have the same answer. After the icebreaker game ends, ask the teams to describe the strategy they used to work together and accomplish the task. Discuss some of the strengths and weaknesses of the strategy. This will help all of the group members learn from each other. As you play more and more icebreaker games, you will notice that the group tries to hone their strategies to improve from one game to the next.   More Icebreaker Games for Teams A couple of  other icebreaker games that you might want to try to encourage teamwork and team building include: Team Building Puzzler - This game encourages multiple teams to compete against each other in a puzzle building competition.The Ball Game - This classic group icebreaker is a great way to help people in small or large groups build trust and get to know each other better.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Meaning Behind the Phrase to Cross the Rubicon

Meaning Behind the Phrase to Cross the Rubicon To cross the Rubicon is a metaphor which means to take an irrevocable step that commits one to a specific course. When Julius Caesar was about to cross the tiny Rubicon River in 49 B.C.E., he quoted from a play by Menander to say anerriphtho kybos! or let the die be cast in Greek. But what kind of die was Caesar casting and what decision was he making? Before the Roman Empire Before Rome was an Empire, it was a Republic. Julius Caesar was a general of an army of the Republic, based in the north of what is now Northern Italy. He expanded the borders of the Republic into modern France, Spain, and Britain, making him a popular leader. His popularity, however, led to tensions with other powerful Roman leaders. Having successfully led his troops in the north, Julius Caesar became governor of Gaul, part of modern-day France. But his ambitions were not satisfied. He wanted to enter Rome itself at the head of an army. Such as act was forbidden by law. At the Rubicon When Julius Caesar led his troops from Gaul in January of 49 B.C.E., he paused on the northern end of a bridge. As he stood, he debated whether or not to cross the  Rubicon, a river separating  Cisalpine Gaul- the piece of land where Italy joins the mainland and at the time inhabited by Celts- from the Italian peninsula.  When he was making this decision, Caesar was contemplating committing a heinous crime. If Caesar brought his troops from Gaul into Italy, he would be violating his role as a provincial authority and would essentially be declaring himself an enemy of the state and the Senate, fomenting civil war. But if he  didnt  bring his troops into Italy, Caesar would be forced to relinquish his command and likely be forced into exile, giving up his military glory and ending his political future. Caesar definitely debated for a while about what to do. He realized how important his decision was, especially since Rome had already undergone a ​civil dispute  a few decades earlier. According to Suetonius, Caesar quipped, Even yet we may drawback, but once cross yon little bridge, and the whole issue is with the sword.  Plutarch reports that he spent time with his friends estimating the great evils of all mankind which would follow their passage of the river and the wide fame of it which they would leave to posterity.   The Die Is Cast The Roman historian Plutarch reported that at this critical moment of decision Caesar declared in Greek and in a loud voice, let the die be cast! and then led his troops across the river. Plutarch renders the phrase in Latin, of course, as alea iacta est or iacta alea est. A die is simply one of a pair of dice. Even in Roman times, gambling games with dice were popular. Just as it is today, once youve cast (or thrown) the dice, your fate is decided. Even before the dice land, your future has been foretold. Let the die be cast itself is an expression meaning roughly let the game begin, and it comes from a play called Arrhephoros (the Flute Girl), a comedy written by the Greek playwright Menander in the 4th century B.C.E. Menander was one of Caesars favorite dramatists.   When Julius Caesar crossed the Rubicon, he started a five-year Roman civil war. At the wars end, Julius Caesar was declared dictator for life. As dictator, Caesar presided over the end of the Roman Republic and the start of the Roman Empire. Upon Julius Caesars death, his adopted son Augustus became Romes first emperor. The Roman Empire started in 31 B.C.E. and lasted until 476 C.E. Therefore, by crossing the Rubicon into Gaul and starting the war, Caesar threw the dice, not only sealing his own political future but effectively ending the Roman Republic and beginning the Roman Empire.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Busniess ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Busniess ethics - Essay Example This has enabled me to learn to respect others, be honest, trustworthy, obedient and truthful among many other virtues. My personal ethics are because of my parents who always had to ensure that my siblings and I learn from the best. This is by setting good examples as role models. My teachers have also been of great help in developing my personal ethics through education that includes instilling discipline in each student for our own good. Through parents and education am able to realize that nothing good comes from dishonesty, disrespect and selfishness (Howard & Korver 13). It is paramount to give a helping hand to those who need our help as we go through our daily routines. How we relate with others everyday defines us as individuals. Other family members in my extended family have also contributed greatly in shaping my personal ethics in one way or the other. Several factors influence my code of ethics in an inevitable way. This is the most basic factor of all others for they are responsible for punishing and rewarding according to our conducts and discipline. In life and as we grow from the people we are familiar with, people we trust and look up to in our lives. My parents and others members of the family are the ones responsible for my current personal code of ethics. Sometimes some of these family members may not have a constructive control on our behavior and that is why it is significant for our parents to ensure that they have a strong bond with their children. This leads to a better and stronger friendship that is important in instilling positive morals in their children as they grow into adults. Friends and age mates play a major role as far as personal ethics are concerned depending on which kind of people we hang around with. I personally relate with friends who are positive minded rather than with those with negative influences. People will always judge an individual based on the type

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Discuss the maintenance of altruism in the social amoeba Dictyostelium Essay

Discuss the maintenance of altruism in the social amoeba Dictyostelium doscoideum - Essay Example The separation of cheaters reduces the occurrence of cheating by the high genetic relatedness selection of cheaters according to the Kin-selection theory. In the social amoeba Dictyostelium Doscoideum which occurs in soil samples, the relatedness in natural groups is high enough to prevent the spread of destructive social cheaters. High relatedness can control a mutant that would otherwise at low relatedness destroy cooperation. The importance of relatedness is however challenged by the life cycle of social amoeba in the selection to prevent cheating. The altruism of amoeba is featured in the death of some amoeba to ensure the survival of the majority. When the bacterial source of food of amoeba that are naturally solitary organisms is depleted, they aggregate themselves to form a multicellular fruiting body where 25% of the cells die to form a stem that raises the remaining cells high enough for dispersal (Gilbert et al, 2007). The mixture of different clones creates the opportunity for cheaters and co-operators to form the group where they can cheat each other, for example in avoiding creating the stalk. Gilbert et al (2007) used mechanisms such as the estimation of relatedness in nature, searching for cheater mutants in nature and the examination of the cheating advantage of the fbxA . The relatedness is high in the co-operative groups of Dictyostelium Doscoideum since the organism forms fruiting bodies more often with organisms of the same kin. Fruiting bodies that were observed 92% were found to be of one clone (Gilbert et al, 2007). The high level of relatedness reduced the opportunity of cheaters gaining by avoiding forming the stalk which would be costly to the survival of the cells. The socially disruptive cheating mutant fbxA which cheats in chimeras was found to produce little or no spores on its own and hence it would be disastrous if allowed to spread. It would spread at low relatedness to reduce co-operation in the normal fruiting of cells and red uce the formation of spores which could result in extinction. Similarly, the mutant dimAÂ ­? is a social defector that fails to react to the signals to become part of the sterile stalk. The pleiotropic effect due to high relatedness of cells which occurs late during their development discourages cheating hence the dimAÂ ­? is usually unsuccessful. According to Khare et al (2009), some of the mechanisms that can be used to restrain cheating behaviour in nature include lowering the fitness of the cheater by intrinsic selection, pleiotropy of the cheater gene, the high genetic relatedness in natural populations, discrimination on the basis of kin as well as the evolution of the resistance to cheating. This is applied by a population of mutations that are able to resist cheating but this evolution is disadvantageous since it could result in new cheating strategies that could result in the demise of co-operation in these populations. In the research to find out whether it was possible to yield mutants that could resist cheating and still remain co-operative, Khare et al (2009) mixed different mutated cells and allowed them to develop into fruiting bodies and spores. They found that in a natural population of Dictyostelium Doscoideum the wild type allele was replaced during the development of the cells by a mutation that were predicted to be resistant to cheating. They also mixed wild type cells and mutant cells with cheater cells in a ratio 1:1 to

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Social and Political Implication of Social Media Essay Example for Free

Social and Political Implication of Social Media Essay Communication is as old as humankind, it is the basis of social interactions and life blood of human societies, we can say without communication. Each individual would merely be an island isolated from all other such islands, communication in a simple sense is the process of transferring meaning in the form of ideas or information from a person called the sender to another or people called receivers. The human life depends on communication to attain their full potentials, communication is also a social necessity without it there cannot be real community or society because it is the link between individuals who constitute a community and the link between community in the formation of a larger whole-a metropolis, a province or a nation, society as a whole cannot survive today if they are not properly informed about political affairs, international and local events, all these functions are perform through a media which are the vehicles of transmitting information. In essence, when people communicate with one another, they do so by a medium, some device or process through which they convey information, these means which people use is called social media. 2 This paper will pretend a short historical back ground of social media, the development of social media will be summarized, and much attention will be on the current means of such media which has taken a paradigm shift as a result of technological advancement and modernism such as internet, home video, news paper, magazines, e. . c the social and political implications will be critically explored, for the umpteenth time we should have it in mind that social media has ethical end epistemological implication in human kind and the society, in fact some of its implication could be said to be negative while some could be describe as positive, the implication affects all aspect of human life, belief, religious and even the socio-economic status, most importantly the governance of this great country Nigeria. Social medial technologies take on many different forms including magazine, internet forums, weblogs, social blogs, microbloggind, wikis, social networks, podcast, photographs or pictures, video, rating and social bookmarking, Technologies include: blogs, picture-sharing, wall-postings, email, instant messaging, to name a few, many of these service are integrated via social network aggregation platform by applying a set of theories in the field of media research (social presence, media richness) and social processes (self-presentation, self-disclosure) Kaplan and Haenlein created a classification scheme with different types of social media, they are ;collaborative projects for example, Wikipedia, blogs and microblogs like Twitter, content communities for example, YouTube, social networking sites like Facebook, and virtual social worlds, however, the boundaries between the different types have been increasingly blurred. Social media refers to the means of interaction among people in which they create, share and exchange information and ideas in communities and network. Andreas Kaplan and Michael Haenlein define social media as a group of Internet-based applications that build on the ideological and technological foundations of Web and that allow the creation and exchange of user-generated content,5 social media depend on mobile and web-based technologies to create highly interactive platforms through which individuals and communities share, co-create, discuss, and modify user-generated content, It introduces substantial and pervasive changes to communication between organizations, communities and individuals. Media is as old as human kind as said earlier, from the ancient time, history make it know that our great grand-fathers make use of gong, songs e. t. to communicate, pass information and transfer beliefs, there was paradigm shift as a result of education and civilisation, gong now change to written literatures such as news paper, then technology now help in developing telecommunication such as Television station, radio station, and the current social media, while other media such as magazine, published works also developed, today social media is the leading means and is now in various form, internet website that post information to the whole world in second such as facebook, twitter, 2go, Ebuddy and sites and blogs. 7 Social media differentiates from traditional/industrial media in many aspects such as quality, reach, frequency, usability, immediacy and permanence. There are many effects that stem from internet usage, according to Nielsen, internet users continue to spend more time with social media sites than any other type of site 8. Social media in sum is the communication channels through which news, entertainment, education, data or promotional messages are disseminated this includes every day broadcasting and narrowcasting medium such as newspaper, magazine , T. V, radio, bill boards, direct mail, telephone, fax and internet, social media offers innovative opportunities for people, in a democratic society like Nigeria, social media offers innovation to political actors, political institutions and the public to interact with one another. As said from the beginning that social and political implication of social media could be ethical and epistemological, Cultivational theory expose some ethical issues is a theory that also provide justification about the implication of social media, this theory states that the media is essential with the responsibility for the way in which people view the world,9 this theory explain that media heavily impacts society by influencing the normal view of gender roles, body image and normality, the theory attributes extreme social power to the media and hold that people are taught over time to respond to situations based on what they think is the appropriate way, this theory in essence show some epistemological and ethical implication of social media on human kind, , media teaches normality through television, video, music e. t. , this theory assumed the life we live as a reflection of media ideals that have been portrayed to us since childhood for example we tend to see small children im itating and practising what they watch in movies, most ladies watch Nollywood movies on the internet to sharpen their romantic styles and learn some other necessities of life, styles of dance either good or bad example is the idea of sagging of trouser common among people all these media influences. The truth is we generate belief from media and perceived that it is normal way to live, various advertisement tell woman how to dress, cook and soon on, a recent study in University of Washington found that the amount an adolescent watches soup operas and musical videos is directly correlative with negative body image. Psychological egoism is another implication of social media, psychological egoism is the view that people act in their own interest even what seem to be acts of altruism11, owing to the fact that social media is used as a tool for some people, in a democratic setting like Nigeria, politicians and government use social media for their egoistic nature, the media publish orchestrated information to either promote image or give wrong destroy image, here we realized that the epistemic belief that most of this social media project to the world are cooked, biased and distorted, and these are registered in the mind of people in the society, no doubt also that this info sometimes reveal certain secret, recently through social media Nigerians known that the so called spokesperson of Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps, Lagos command do not know the official website of the Corps he is working for, this popular scenario is tagged my oga at the top courtesy Channels television The corollary of the above is that media circulate information, beliefs and knowledge, either acknowledge or not, to the society in a very speedy rate, the question now remains the authenticity and genuineness of this information. Social media are becoming increasingly popular among politicians and organisations as a means to disseminate political message, learn about the interest and needs of constituents and broader public, raise funds and build network support, these activities often take place is private run social networking site or stations that allow political figures and institution to communicate with the public in unmediated, society media are being used by Citizen also to connect with the public, influences decision makers and hold legislature and government to account, take the case of January 2013 subsidy removal, many people could not get to Abuja but somehow they made their opinion known to people through the website one way or the other in form of internet gossiping, example is a social site called Niaraland, people chat there, gossip, make connections either for business or another thing maybe like love affairs and so on, in essence this site through the gossips of it member evaluate the activ e the politicians or government of the country is. Since social media give anyone with internet access an opportunity to disseminate their ideas, the mainstream media sources no longer ,monopolize information channels, in turn new issues and ideas that might otherwise be ignored by the mainstream media can receive public attention, given the vary level of expertise, individual users have unequal right to full potential of social media as a publishing platform, what this implies is that social media help in exercising freedom as a component of modernism, liberalism and democracy. Another social and political implication of social media is that it enables citizen to become more effective political actors, social media remove barriers to collective action and empower citizen to influence and monitor the work of policy makers through a long distance participation, social medial also allow citizens to interact with public institutions and figures in an informal and interactive manner, through social media who are avid users of social media often discuss political issues interactively online with the opportunity to reach a large audience with criticisms of political figures and institutions, another similar social and political implication is that it provides opportunity for synthetic lobbying 12, well crafted and executed social media campaigns led by special interest groups can dominate online exchanges with political figure and institution to the point where decision makers are misled about the actual extent to which ideas are shared via these campaigns as repr esentative of a widely held point of view, such advocacy tactics are often referred to as synthetic lobbying, this occur when coordinated letter writing campaigns have long been an element of politics and the policy process and policy makers have developed mechanisms that identify online submission from the public that form part of coordinated advocacy campaigns by weeding out these particular submission whether email to representative or submitted to an online forum. The use of social media by public institution and figures may lead to surveillance state, by monitoring the information shared citizens on a special media sites, policy makers and representative can gain a better understanding of citizens interest and needs, also government can also use this to work against those they see as opposition, as reported by virtually all Nigerian Newspaper on April 25, 2013, the president of Nigeria Goodluck Ebele Jonathan GCFR, awarded a contract over forty million US Dollars to one Israeli company to monitor emails and social network communications, this is part of the implication of social media we are talking about, it implies that the freedom of the people in the society is somehow restricted, I should be aware now that my so called private email message is monitored if one way or the order I radically against the government , it could be hazardous, though this surveillances could also help in checking certain fraudulent activities like yahoo fraudste rs, organised crime and terrorism networks, and so on, but the implication of this is that the negative freedom as Isaiah Berlin postulated, that is, absence of external constraint in individual to act the way they want example is freedom of speech 13, this negative freedom is will now be limited, whatever this implication (surveillance state) appears either positive or negative, data shared by citizens via social media including sexual orientation, religious belief, political affiliation and other sensitive information will be monitored and used in ways that breach privacy right. A cursory survey of this work shows a philosophical discourse on media and social media, its social and political implication has been so far discussed, in sum the implications are both ethical and epistemological, social media has become instrument that create awareness, publicise beliefs and transmit norms, it could be said that most of the action of human kind if not all is an imitation from the media, the implication of social media is undoubtedly positive and negative. In addition the picture of a society is painted to the world through social media, some years back when Dr Dura Akuyili was still the minister of information, she embarked on a project called rebranding with the slogan Nigeria good people, great nation, this was to change the bad image of the country and most of the activities she used to perform this crusade were majorly on media and social media. Much of the criticism of social media are about its exclusiveness as most sites do not allow the transfer of information from one to another, disparity of information available, issues with trustworthiness and reliability of information presented, concentration, ownership of media content, and the meaning of interactions created by social media. However, it is also argued that social media has positive effects such as allowing the democratization of the internet while also allowing individuals to advertise themselves and form friendships Most people associate social media with positive outcomes, yet this is not always the case. Due to the increase in social media websites, there seems to be a positive correlation between the usage of such media with cyber bullying, online sexual predators and the decrease in face-to-face interactions, social media may expose children to images of alcohol, tobacco, and sexual behaviours. Whether the implications are beneficial or risky, what is clear is that social media are quickly becoming standard communications tools for political figures and institutions and the citizens they serve, this paper recommend whoever is still lacking the knowledge of using social media to do that without wasting time, above all apply Descartes methodic doubt to every information the social media provided, that is subject social media information to thorough scrutiny before taking them as beliefs, also this paper remind the public of the dangers and vices of social media hence, the wise be more wise and the less wise should upgrade not be a victim of the bad influences.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Comparing Setting and Narrative Style in the Works of Edgar Allen Poe :: Biography Biographies Essays

Setting and Narrative Style in Pit and the Pendulum, House of Usher, Black Cat, and Cask of Amontillado    The focus of this essay is the setting and narrative style used in the works of Edgar Allen Poe.   Although many critics have different views on Poe's writing style, perhaps Harold Bloom summed it up best when he said, "Poe has an uncanny talent for exposing our common nightmares and hysteria lurking beneath our carefully structured lives. " ( 7)   In many of Poe's works, setting is used to paint a dark and gloomy picture in our minds.   I think that this was done deliberatly by Poe so that the reader can make a connection between darkness and death.   For example, in the "Pit and the Pendulum", the setting is originally pitch black.   As the story unfolds, we see how the setting begins to play an important role in how the narrator discovers the many ways he may die.   Although he must rely on his senses alone to feel his surroundings, he knows that somewhere in this dark, gloomy room, that death awaits him.   Richard Wilbur tells us how fitting the chamber in "The Pit and the Pendulum" actually was.   "Though he lives on the brink of the pit, on the very verge of the plunge into unconciousness, he is still unable to disengage himself from the physical and temperal world.   The physical oppreses him in the shape of lurid graveyard visions; the temporal oppreses him in the shape of an enormous and deadly pendulum.à ‚   It is altogether appropriate, then, that this chamber should be constricting and cruelly angular" (63).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Setting is also an important characteristic is Poe's "The Fall of the House of Usher".   The images he gives us such as how both the Usher family and the Usher mansion are crumbling from inside waiting to collapse, help us to connect the background with the story.   Vincent Buranelli says that   "Poe is able to sysatin an atomosphere which is dark and dull.   This is one of the tricks which he laregely derived from the tradition of the Gothic tale" (79).   The whole setting in the story provides us with a feeling of melancholy.   The Usher mansion appears vacant and barren.   The same is true for the narrator.   As we picture in our minds the extreme decay and decomposistion, we can feelas though the life around it is also crumbling.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Generational Wealth and Economics: Analysis

Today African American communities are falling apart tremendously. Crime is rising; children are killing more than they are working. Economics are lowering; people tend to spend their money in other communities where businesses look more professional than that of their own, and families are fighting over material things that do not have value or meaning. There is also a rise in welfare, section eight housing, abortion, credit card and calling card charges, and layaway spending that keeps an individual in bondage; bondage of his mind. I would like to suggest that there is a lack of generational wealth in the African-American community. The lack of generational wealth is a direct result of our knowledge of economics and understanding economics. In order to understand the two, generational wealth and economics, you first have to go back to the beginning of time when God created the man and woman (Adam and Eve) and gave them their job description. In the book of Genesis the first chapter and the 28th verse, God said, â€Å"Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth. And God also said, â€Å"See, I have given you every herb that yields seed which is on the face of all the earth, and every tree whose fruit yields seed; to you it shall be for food† (Question about Quoting Bible). At this time God gave a charge to Adam and Eve giving them dominion. They were producers of the world. But when they decided to mess up in the garden by eating the forbidden fruit, they went from being producers into being consumers. This is one of the problems today in the black community. Out of a lack of understanding of who we are and what our purpose is, we consume all things of others but rarely move into the understanding of producing our own. In this light, increasing the number of blacks in ownership positions appears to be an important prerequisite for ending black community unrest (McKersie pg 84). If blacks are upset because they lack control over the institutions of their community, because they are charged high prices for inferior merchandise, victimized by credit racketeers, and exploited by employers, then perhaps some would argue, greater black ownership will help end this condition. If the black community lacks leadership and a stable middle class, then enlarging the number of black entrepreneurs may provide such leadership and foster stability. If the problem is lack of racial confidence, the success of black capitalists would build pride. Today in the black community, crime is rising; children are killing children and spending more money in the communities than their parents. There is an increasing number of males killing for what they think are respect. There is also a mindset on children that, it is better to kill, steal, and destroy, to get what is gratifying to self. Children have become lazy. They have depended on the former generations to get things done rather than them. Today also, there is an increased number of welfare, section 8 housing, and abortion participants, which are considered to be popular in the community. This is nothing but bondage. Society has a way of keeping people focused on minor issues and making them think that they are major. Welfare is not a major problem but rather one that is minor. The major problem today, which has always been a problem, is economics. Economics is a problem because many African Americans don†t know what economics are and how to manage it. Out of one†s lack of understanding the economical breakdown of society, he cannot teach his child about generational wealth. Generational wealth is what a family has accumulated over its lifetime along with those resources that have been inherited across generations. Generational wealth is not riches. When one is rich, they are materially content for the moment but not necessarily content in their private lives. One who is just rich, will become a private failure but public success. In essence, riches are the successes of the world. On the other hand, wealth is generated through the family unit and is passed down generationally. In Proverbs 13:22, it reads, a good man leaves an inheritance to his children†s children. In order for one to truly understand generational wealth, he must first understand economics and vice versa. Economics is the study of heart and wallet. Meaning, if you want to touch people, you have to reach them in their pockets. Matthew 6:21 states, â€Å"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Let†s break down economics. The Greek meaning of the word echo means family. Therefore, economics is the study of the family management. This is so awesome that God decided to give us an assignment in His daily word. In Luke 19:13, God says, â€Å"do business until I return. † He didn†t just throw business in there for anything. To do business until God return means, to occupy; take dominion; handle things in decency and in order to the word of God. Sad to say, but some people only understand economics when it comes to selling drugs. Young men and even some young women understand that you can buy large quantities of drugs at wholesale and make profit by way of retail. On the other hand, if you ask them to turn the television to the stock market channel and decipher the information run on the station, they can†t even relate. So when do we come to an understanding that there is a world wide problem of the family unit that is affecting our economics? One of the major problems in the black community is that everyone is out for self. We have gained a mindset that everyone is supposed to work for his or her own stuff and keep their stuff to themselves. Out of understanding who you are, you understand that the father is the one who formulate the vision, the son is the one who demonstrates the vision, while the grandson authenticates the vision. It takes the fortitude of a father to persevere through the storm of formulation. It takes the zeal of a son to pay the cost of demonstration. It takes the integrity of a grandson to handle the glory of authentication. There are a lot of individuals who don†t understand this so, therefore they operate trying to be the father, son, and grandson. This brings about the mindset of selfish thinking and single generational. Thinking selfishly and single families operate in false wisdom. For example, when most children turn 18, they are kicked out of the house and told by their parents that they are grown enough to make it on their own, but was never equipped to pay their bills and even maintain their payments. Therefore we have a generation that had already achieved their successes, forcing our children to grow up in a fast paced society that prefers self-gratification, without restraint. The family exists at the heart of every society†¦ No society has succeeded without it. But today we see a fraying of all connections that have defined our families. We are neglecting our children emotionally and educationally, marriage is increasingly unstable, we are slipping deeper and deeper into acceptance of violence, and we are absorbed into materialism and competitiveness. If we allow these trends to continue, there lie ahead, families that slip further into chaos. As you can see, we are living in a time where there is much help needed. It is time for African-Americans to wake up and take the dominion that God has given them. It is also, time out for just talking about the decay of the community but rather offer solutions to the problems of the community. Having been empowered to understand that true wealth and economics is generated through the family unit and is passed down generationally, one has the ability to empower another so that we can move forward to begin building our communities economically, emotionally, and physically. I pray that this empowerment will not inspire one but rather, transform one to make a change for the generations to come. It†s just like Bishop says, â€Å"Lack of information is ignorance but the inability to use information is stupidity. † Therefore, those who are not prepared will not survive.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Chemistry and Math Essay

Education is the best legacy. This has been a lifelong statement that I have come to believe. Personally, I believe that learning continues until the death of a man. This is because no man can claim to know everything. Life faces us with new possibilities daily and there is the next thing waiting in line; a new ladder to climb and a new goal or dream to achieve. Therefore, while we appreciate our present academic achievement, we should strive more by seeking more knowledge to improve ourselves. Furthermore, I believe that the achievement of one goal should lead to the desire to set a higher one. In this context, I strongly subscribe to the idea that knowledge is imperishable and thus should be a priority for every person. There should naturally be a curiosity that will instigate the desire to know more and to acquire more knowledge from time to time. Consequently, I have educational and professional goals that I hold dear to my heart. Presently, I am a double major student studying Chemistry and Math. As part of my desire to learn more and add more to myself, I intend to enroll for postgraduate studies so that I can earn a Ph D in Chemistry. Due to my interest in Chemistry and Biology, I hope to attend medical school so that I can become a medical doctor. As a medical doctor, I want to specialize in the field of endocrinology or surgery. I have always dreamt that one day I will be able to open up my own private practice where I can help people with imbalances in their endocrine systems and help reduce pain that people go through daily. In addition to this, I hope that later in life I will be able to lecture Chemistry and also work with a pharmaceutical company in hopes of being able to synthesis new drugs in the fight against HIV. I know it takes a lot of dedication, focus and hard work to achieve all these but I believe nothing good comes easy and I live with this mindset every single day of my life. Consequently, I have developed a keen interest in and an unrivaled thirst for learning. As a professional, I would love to be a valuable asset so that I can give back to the community.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Bases Of Power Essay

Bases Of Power Essay Bases Of Power Essay By: Raven, Bertram H. Analyses of Social Issues & Public Policy. Dec2008, Vol. 8 Issue 1, p1-22. 22p. DOI: 10.1111/j.1530-2415.2008.00159.x. Database: Academic Search Complete Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy, Vol. 8, No. 1, 2008, pp. 122 The Bases of Power and the Power/Interaction Model of Interpersonal Influence Bertram H. Ravenâˆâ€" University of California, Los Angeles This article provides a summary of work done by Raven and his colleagues on bases of power. It ranges from the initial work in 1959 of French and Raven through decades of follow-up work, and ties the work to that of others doing work on power bases. After the summary, the author responds to a series of questions that probe the work in greater depth, allowing explication of much of the thinking underlying and leading to publications of Raven and colleagues that are well known to social psychologists. While ours has been described as one of the most widely cited analyses of social power, many Analysis of Social Issues and Public Policy readers may not be familiar with its development since our original statement was published in 1959. It therefore seems useful to summarize our original statement, plus the later developments, which include the Power/Interaction Model of Interpersonal Influence. In our initial papers (French Raven, 1965), we first defined social influence as a change in the belief, attitude, or behavior of a person (the target of influence), which results from the action of another person (an influencing agent). Social power was defined as the potential for such influence, the ability of the agent or power figure to bring about such change, using resources available to him or her. These resources are represented in six bases of power: Informational, Reward, Coercion, Legitimate, Expertise, and Referent. âˆâ€"Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Professor Bertram H. Raven, Department of Psychology, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1563. (e-mail: raven@ucla.edu) Editor’s Note: This article continues a series of occasional invited papers from distinguished scholars. Bert Raven was invited to reflect on his work on power and impacts that he has seen. After his paper, Jamie Peterson, the editorial assistant for ASAP, and I asked him a series of questions about his work; the questions and responses are appended to the paper. We hope that readers enjoy his paper and responses as we did. 1 DOI: 10.1111/j.1530-2415.2008.00159.x 2008 The Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues The bases of power differ in the manner that the social change is implemented, the permanence of such change, and the ways in which each basis of power is established and maintained. Let us as an illustration examine the resources of different power bases in terms of a supervisor/subordinate relationship. Power That Leads to Socially Independent Change One basis of power, which the supervisor might use, then, is Informational Power. The supervisor carefully explains to the subordinate how the job should be donedifferently,withpersuasivereasonswhythatwouldbeabetterandmoreeffective procedure. The subordinate understands and accepts the reasons and changes behavior. Informational influence then results in cognitive change and acceptance by the target. It is thus called â€Å"socially independent change† in that altered behavior, though initiated by the influencing agent (supervisor) now continues without the target necessarily referring to, or even remembering, the supervisor as being the agent of change. Power That Results in Socially Dependent Change, with Surveillance Necessary Reward Power stems from the ability of the agent to offer a positive incentive, if the target complies (a raise in pay, a promotion, special work privileges...). In Coercive Power, the agent brings about change by threatening the target with negative, undesirable consequences (demotion, termination, undesirable work

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Composite Volcano (Stratovolcano) Facts

Composite Volcano (Stratovolcano) Facts There are several different types of volcanoes, including shield volcanoes, composite volcanoes, dome volcanoes, and cinder cones. However, if you ask a child to draw a volcano, youll almost always get a picture of a composite volcano. The reason? Composite volcanoes form the steep-sided cones most often seen in photographs. They are also associated with the most violent, historically-important eruptions. Key Takeaways: Composite Volcano Composite volcanoes, also called stratovolcanoes, are cone-shaped volcanoes built from many layers of lava, pumice, ash, and tephra.Because they are built of layers of viscous material, rather than fluid lava, composite volcanoes tend to form tall peaks rather than rounded cones. Sometimes the summit crater collapses to form a caldera.Composite volcanoes are responsible for the most catastrophic eruptions in history.So far, Mars is the only place in the solar system besides Earth known to have stratovolcanoes. Composition Composite volcanoes – also called stratovolcanoes – are named for their composition. These volcanoes are built from layers, or strata, of pyroclastic material, including lava, pumice, volcanic ash, and tephra. The layers stack on each other with each eruption. The volcanoes form steep cones, rather than rounded shapes, because the magma is viscous. Composite volcano magma is felsic, which means it contains silicate-rich minerals rhyolite, andesite, and dacite. Low viscosity lava from a shield volcano, such as might be found in Hawaii, flows from fissures and spreads. Lava, rocks, and ash from a stratovolcano either flow a short distance from the cone or else explosively eject into the air before falling back down toward the source. Formation Stratovolcanoes form at subduction zones, where one plate at a tectonic boundary is pushed below another. This may be where the oceanic crust slips below an oceanic plate (e.g., Japan, Aleutian Islands) or where the oceanic crust is drawn below the continental crust (e.g., the Andes mountains, the Cascades). Subduction occurs when two convergent tectonic plates collide with each other. jack0m / Getty Images Water is trapped in porous basalt and minerals. As the plate sinks to greater depths, temperature and pressure rise until a process called dewatering occurs. Release of water from hydrates lowers the melting point of rock in the mantle. Melted rock rises because it is less dense than solid rock, becoming magma. As magma ascends, lessening pressure allows volatile compounds to escape from solution. Water, carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and chlorine gas exert pressure. Finally, the rocky plug over a vent pops open, producing an explosive eruption. Location Composite volcanoes tend to occur in chains, with each volcano several kilometers from the next. The Ring of Fire in the Pacific consists of stratovolcanoes. Famous examples of composite volcanoes include Mount Fuji in Japan, Mount Rainier and Mount St. Helens in Washington State, and Mayon Volcano in the Philippines. Notable eruptions include that of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD (which destroyed Pompeii and Herculaneum) and that of Pintaubo in 1991, which ranks as one of the biggest eruptions of the 20th century. Most composite volcanoes occur in a region called the Ring of Fire. Gringer To date, composite volcanoes have only been found on one other body in the solar system: the planet Mars. Zephyria Tholus on Mars is believed to be an extinct stratovolcano. Eruptions and Their Consequences Composite volcano magma isnt fluid enough to flow around obstacles and exit as a river of lava. Instead, a stratovolcanic eruption is sudden and destructive. Superheated toxic gases, ash, and hot debris are forcefully ejected, often with little warning. Lava bombs present another hazard. These molten chunks of rock may be the size of small stones up to the size of a bus. Most of these bombs dont explode, but their mass and velocity cause destruction comparable to that from an explosion. Composite volcanoes also produce lahars. A lahar is a mix of water with volcanic debris. Lahars are basically volcanic landslides down the steep slope, traveling so quickly that they are difficult to escape. Nearly a third of a million people have been killed by volcanoes since 1600. Most of these deaths are attributed to stratovolcanic eruptions. Semeru Volcano in Indonesia is an active stratovolcano. Photography by Mangiwau / Getty Images Death and property damage arent the only consequences of composite volcanoes. Because they eject matter and gases into the stratosphere, they affect weather and climate. Particulates released by composite volcanoes yield colorful sunrises and sunsets. Although no crashes have been attributed to volcanic eruptions, the explosive debris from composite volcanoes poses a risk to air traffic. Sulfur dioxide released into the atmosphere can form sulfuric acid. Sulfuric acid clouds can produce acid rain, plus they block sunlight and cool temperatures. The eruption of Mount Tambora in 1815 produced a cloud that lowered global temperatures 3.5  °C (6.3  °F), leading to the 1816 year without a summer in North America and Europe. The worlds biggest extinction event may have been due, at least in part, to stratovolcanic eruptions. A group of volcanoes named the Siberian Traps released massive amounts of greenhouse gases and ash, starting 300,000 years before the end-Permian mass extinction and concluding half a million years after the event. Researchers now hold the eruptions as the principal cause for the collapse of 70 percent of terrestrial species and 96 percent of marine life. Sources BroÃ… ¾, P.; Hauber, E. (2012). A unique volcanic field in Tharsis, Mars: Pyroclastic cones as evidence for explosive eruptions. Icarus. 218: 88. doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2011.11.030Decker, Robert Wayne; Decker, Barbara (1991). Mountains of Fire: The Nature of Volcanoes. Cambridge University Press. p. 7. ISBN 0-521-31290-6.Miles, M. G.; Grainger, R. G.; Highwood, E. J. (2004). The significance of volcanic eruption strength and frequency for climate (PDF). Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. 130: 2361–2376. doi:10.1256/qj.03.60Sigurà °sson, Haraldur, ed. (1999). Encyclopedia of Volcanoes. Academic Press. ISBN 0-12-643140-X.Stephen E. Grasby, Hamed Sanei, Benoit Beauchamp.  Catastrophic dispersion of coal fly ash into oceans during the latest Permian extinction.  Nature Geoscience, 2011; doi:10.1038/ngeo1069

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Importance of Preparing Budgets and the Budgeting Process Essay

Importance of Preparing Budgets and the Budgeting Process - Essay Example The main advantage of budgeting and the budgeting process is that it provides a way of communicating management’s plan for the future and the financial need for the future (Garrison and Noreen, 2002). The budget helps in setting the targets that all the departments have to achieve, and also acts as a standard for measuring the performance of the company. The budgeting process also forces the manager to think about the future, instead of focusing on daily emergencies and to make long-term plans (Garrison and Noreen, 2002). Without the necessity of preparing a budget, management would not be forced to consider long-term plans for profitability and growth. The budgeting process also helps management in allocating financial resources to the areas of the organization that show the most potential for growth. From an analysis of operations, the budgeting process can also uncover potential drawbacks before they occur (Garrison and Noreen, 2002). As already stated, the budgeting process analyzes all areas of operation of the company, and as such, helps in identification of potentially problematic areas. This helps the company to plan for contingencies and extra financial resources. The above analysis also highlights another importance of the budgeting process, where the budgets are used to establish the financial needs of the company (Garrison and Noreen, 2002). The master budget helps in the identification of expected cash inflows and outflows from operations, and from this, the company can determine the cash deficiencies and excesses at the end of the financial period. This helps in determining whether the company will need to borrow funds or invest any excess returns. Finally, budgeting helps the organization to integrate all its functions and centralize the planning function (Garrison and Noreen, 2002). From the budget, all the functions of the different departments are identified, and  since it acts as a master plan, all the functions of the organization are directed at a common purpose. This also serves as a benchmark for all operations, where the performances of the different departments are measured against the standards set by the budget.Â